is only one lord - Ahura Mazda
teaches His
Righteousness1 is4 the best3 good2
(and it) is6 happiness.5
(is) to him,8 who9 (is) righteous12
the sake of the best11 righteousness.10
: Ashem Vohu
Happiness is to him who
makes others happy.
Ref :
Ushtavaiti Gatha Ha 43
to Best
thought word and deed (inspired) through righteousness (the
creator) Ahura Mazda doth give unto us happiness (of this
world) and immortality (of the world beyond) (ie--heaven)
prosperity, and perfect mindedness through Spenta Mainyu (ie--Benificent
spirit. (ref. Spentomad Gatha Ref. Ha 47.1 translated by Ervad K E
Just1 as
is the will3 of the lord God2
so too4 is
that of the spiritual leader5
owing8 to
his7 righteousness6 ..
The gifts10 of good mind9-11
(vohu mana)
are for those who
in this world13 and
wield in accord with the
will of Ahura Mazda14.
The kingdom15 of Ahura's heaven16 is
for him 17,
succour21 to the poor20
(The Latin and English equivalent for Avesta
word Vãstãr is Pastor.)
May complete12
righteousness4 reach13 all the doers
of good deeds6
and all the faithful7
on the seven regions of the earth8
Ref :
praise12 the true-conceived13 thought,14 (Humata)
I praise15 the true-spoken16 word,17
praise18 the well-done 19 deed.20 (Hvarshta)
praise21 the excellent23 religion22of
(which is) quarrel-removing,25 weapon-lowering,26
self-dedicating27(and) holy,28 (Asha=righteous)
: Jasa Me Avanghe Mazda
May there be
health a thousand times.
Homage32 (be) unto right thought34
and prosperity!35 ref
: Kem-n?Mazd?/font> nemasch?y?Armaitish
izhãch? is taken
from the Gãth?Spent?Mainyu H?49.10.
of Zarathushtra and Hvovi Marriage
of Pouru-chista (daughter of Zarathushtra) and Jamasp Marriage
:- Zarathushtra's Sermon on marriage
Gatha Ha 51.17)(translated
by Ervad K E Kanga)
of Zarathushtra and Hvovi
the descendant of the Hvogva family has shown me precious his daughter.
For the propagation (of) the good Mazda worshipping Religion it would be
better if Almighty Ahura Mazda may grant (me) his (ie--Frashaoshtra's) beloved
(daughter). For gaining righteousness (o Mazda worshippers) you acknowledge
(her) with respect.
Prophet Zarathushtra liked the daughter of Frashoashtra named Hvovi on account
of her being good virtuous and pious. He prays earnestly top Ahura Mazda that it
would be better if she becomes his wife! In the work of propagating the good
Mazda worshipping religion she can help him whenever necessary. At last
his hearts desire is fulfilled )
Vohu-Kshathra Gatha Ha 51.17)(translated
by Ervad K E Kanga)
53.3 Vahishtoisht Gatha
translated by Ervad K E Kanga)
of Pouru-chista (daughter of Zarathushtra) and Jamasp
thou Pouru-chista of the family of Haechat-Aspana O thou youngest amongst the daughter
of Zarathushtra of the descendent of Spitama (the Creator) Ahura Mazda has fixed
(or destined) him (i.e.--Jamasp) who is devoted to good thought and righteous
for thee as the husband: therefore now do thou keep on conversing with him and
through thy holiest (or most bountiful) wisdom of perfect-mindedness do thou
work with good prudence.
: Haechat-Aspa and Spitama are the names of the ancestors of the
prophet Zarathushtra. Haechat-Aspa the name off the grandfather of Zarathushtra
and Spitama is the name of the grandfather of the grandfather of
Haechat-Aspa (Sheth K R Camaji).
53.4 Vahishtoisht Gatha
translated by Ervad K E Kanga)
replies Indeed I will love him (i.e. my destined husband) and I will vie
with him more (in my love with him) (i.e. I will try to show more love than my
husband) he will show his love for me)
advises her friends as under : The
daughter who will remain faithful to her father, to her husband, to her men, as
well as her kinsman, and to righteous men, her wish of good thought will be
fulfilled and the creator Ahura Mazda for her good conscience will grant her
Garothman heaven for all eternity.
53.5 Vahishtoisht Gatha
translated by Ervad K E Kanga)
:- Zarathushtra's Sermon on marriage
Zarathushtra says : To maidens marrying and to you (bridegroom uniting in
marriage) I who am the giver of command (or encouragement) to get married speak
the word of admonition as under Do you bear in mind these utterances of mine
Zarathushtra gives has admonition
educated through the religious minded persons strive to secure the
life of good thought and with righteousness
(or with a sincere heart) keep on loving each other amongst you thereby
indeed domestic life of each one may be happy.
: Prophet Zarathushtra gives admonition to married couples thus :
through virtuous and pious dastur well versed in religion try to get sufficient
knowledge of religion. Have a clear conscience and behave well
in the world The wife must love the husband with sincere love and the
husband must love the wife with devotion and sincerity and
affectionate love so that they may carry on their domestic affairs
with peace and happiness.
Vahishtoisht Gatha Ref. Ha 53.3 Ha 53.4 Ha 53.5 translated by Ervad K
E Kanga) Have accompany beam and chat, and in abounding of swiss replica watches the watch brand, a lot of can be mentioned alone two: PATEKPHILIPPE or ROLEX. The aloft is the public The acceptance of the table, the closing is not beneath than even in the bulk of the table can be bigger than the baron of fake rolex watches the brand. Every year to accommodate 700 thousand of the apple bazaar watch brand, I am consistently surprised Is: there are 700 thousand pieces of production, but aswell to all be able to abbreviate - such as Daytona hot money even to the point area there is no bazaar - this It is actually unprecedented. I anticipate this, as the table baron PATEK PHILIPPE can alone be abashed and even jealous.
his daughter ?.....
May each of you win the other through righteousness."
: Gatha Vahishta Ishti
Zarathushtra immortalized his marriage sermon
addressed to all uniting couples:
“The reward of the Magnanimity Fellowship;
shall be yours
as long as you remain united in weal and woe with all your in
wedlock. ...
May each of you win the other through righteousness.?/font>
ref :
Gatha Vahishta Ishti
Pouruchista, the
youngest daughter of Zarathushtra was given the freedom to choose her partner.
Tradition says, it was Jamaspa. (the sage, who later succeeded
Zarathushtra as the Teacher.)