![]() |
.Word by Word translation
Ba năme yazade,1 |
In the Name of God1and with His help |
bakhshăyandeh2 |
the bestower of all good things,2 |
bakhshăyeshgare3 |
the forgiver of sins3
meherbăn4 |
loving.4 |
Khodăy6 |
(I begin to recite this prayer) (who is) the Lord6 Hormazd5
*Portion above is in Pazend and portion below
is taken from yasna Hă 37. para
1.' |
ithă7 ăt8
Yazamaide9 Ahurem10 Mazdăm10, |
and Thus7 here8 we revere9
Ahura Mazdă10 |
ye11 gămchă12 ashemchă13
dăt14 |
who11 created14 the animals12and *grain,13 |
* The original meaning of ashem is equivalent to Persian
`ărd' i.e.
flour, powder. |
apaschă15 dăt16
who created16 water15
urvarăoschă17 vanguhish,18 |
and good18 vegetation17 |
raochăoschă19 dăt20 |
who created20
lights19 (of the sky) |
bumimchă,21 |
and the earth21 |
vispăchă22 vohu23 |
and all
(other) good23 things (over and above these) |
Ashem Vohu 3 |
(After reciting the above prayer the person eats the meals, thanking
the Almighty God for all good things and after washing hand and mouth,
he prays as fellow) :- |
Ashem Vohu 4.
Yathă Ahu Vairyő 2,
Ashem Vohu 1.
Jasa me Avanghe Mazda, |
* The original meaning of ashem is equivalent to Persian
`ărd' i.e.
flour, powder. In such a meaning this word occurs in Vendidăd Fargard V
as regards the treatment of a woman who has been delivered of a still -
born child. |
Băz (Prayer) for
Saying Grace *
Ba năme yazade,1
bakhshăyeshgare3 meherbăn4
ithă7 ăt8
Yazamaide9 Ahurem10 Mazdăm10,
ye11 gămchă12 ashemchă13
dăt14 apaschă15 dăt16
urvarăoschă17 vanguhish,18
raochăoschă19 dăt20 bumimchă,21
vispăchă22 vohu23
Ashem Vohu 3.
(After reciting the above prayer the person eats the meals, thanking
the Almighty God for all good things and after washing hand and mouth,
he prays as fellow) :-
Ashem Vohu 4.
Yathă Ahu Vairyő 2,
Ashem Vohu 1.
Jasa me Avanghe Mazda,
Băz to be
recited before passing urine and
the call of nature
# Guneh1 Shekasteh2
Sad hazăr-băr.3 Yathă Ahu Vairyő1.
Ashem Vohu
@ Humatanăm1 hukhtanăm2
yadachă4 anyadachă5
verezymnanămchă6 văverezananămchă,7
mahi8 aibi-jaretărő9 naenaestărő,10
yathană,11 vohunăm12 mahi.13
(to be recited twice)
* Hukhshathőremăi1 băt2
ahmat4 hyat5
hyat9 mazdăi10
ashăichă12 Vahishtăi13
(to be recited three times).
Yathă Ahu Vairyő 4.
#Ahunem Vairim1 yazamaide,2
ashem vahishtem3
Sraeshtem4 ameshem spentem5
yenghe7 hătăm8
ăat9 yesne10 paiti11
Mazdăo Ahurő13
ashăt15 hachă16
17 tănschă18 tăoschă19
Ashem Vohu 1. |
Băz to be
recited before passing urine and answering
the call of nature
(The person standing three paces from the place of the toilet recites
the sentence as below:) |
# Guneh1 Shekasteh2
Sad hazăr-băr.3 Yathă Ahu Vairyő1. |
May sins1 be smitten2 a hundred thousand times3
! |
# In the Persian Rivăyets of Darab Hormazdyăr these Persian words
shekasteh sad hazăr băr' is not written for recital; but in it is
mentioned to recite only one Yathă ahu Vairyo instead, whilst passing
urine or answering the call of nature. |
(After having passed urine or answered the call of nature, holding
the strings (or tape) of pyjamas (he) purifies himself with dry earth,
retraces three steps and recites the following `Băz' |
Ashem Vohu 3, |
verezymnanămchă6 văverezananămchă,7
Of the doers6
of good thoughts, 1
good words2
and good deeds3
for this world4
and for the world
. |
mahi8 aibi-jaretărő9 |
we are8 the praisers9 |
naenaestărő,10 |
and meditators10, |
vohunăm12 mahi.13
Just as11we are13 (the praisers and
of good men,12 (in the
same way) and of those who have performed (good deeds) in the past. 7
(to be recited twice) |
@ The entire portion of Humatanăm occurs in Yasna Hă 35 para
2 |
* The entire portion of
Hukhshathrotemăi (below) also occurs in Yasna Hă 35 para 5. |
* Hukhshathőremăi1 băt2
khshathrem,3 |
May there) verily2 (be) sovereignty3 for the
best ruler1 (Hormazd)! |
ahmat4 hyat5
aibi-dademahichă,6 |
( We4 devote our mind to6 (or
engage ourselves in the service of)6 Hormazd10-11
hvănmahichă8 |
We acknowledge7 (Him) (and) regard (Him) as our own.8
hyat9 mazdăi10
ahurăi,11 |
who9 (Himself) |
ashăichă12 Vahishtăi13 |
(is) the Best13 @Righteousness12 |
(to be recited three times). |
Yathă Ahu Vairyő 4. |
@ Praiseworthy names of the Creator Hormazd are numerous, of which
one name is `Righteousness'. @Similar writing is noticed in Hormazd Yasht.
In this Yasht the Creator Hormazd is recognised by us by various names,
which are approximately seventy. Moreover, at present, we have 101 names
of the Creator Hormazd in Pazand language and these names are being
remembered by the yaozdăthregar priest whilst performing the Yasna
ceremony. |
# This entire para (below) occurs at the end of Yasna Hă 18 and Yasna Hă
27 |
#Ahunem Vairim1 yazamaide,2 |
We praise2 Ahunavar,1 |
ashem vahishtem3 |
We praise Ardibehesht3
. |
Sraeshtem4 ameshem spentem5
yazamaide,6 |
(who is) the most surpassing Ameshăspand,5 |
yenghe7 hătăm8 |
among living
beings8 who7 |
ăat9 yesne10 paiti11
vanghő,12 |
(is) better12 in acts of
worship,10 |
Mazdăo Ahurő13 |
of such Ahura Mazda13 (Himself) |
aware14 |
ashăt15 hachă16 |
on account of16 their holiness15
17 tănschă18 tăoschă19
- all such,17 both men18 and women,19
yazamaide.20 |
do we revere.20 |
Ashem Vohu 1. |
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hă 18 and Yasna Hă
27. |
