- 1.
- Khshnaothra1
Ahurahe2 Mazdĺo3,
- 1.
- Propitiation1
to Ahura2
ashem vohű...(3).
Ashem Vohu...(3).
Mazdayasnő44 Zarathushtrish45
- 1.
- I profess43 myself to be a worshipper of Hormazd,44
follower in accordance with the religion revealed by (the prophet)
- vidaevő46 **Ahura-tkaeshő47
- abstainer from (the malpractices of) dăevas46and
follower of the doctrines of Ahura Mazda47
**Fravarăne Mazdayasno
Zarathushtrish Vidaevo Ahuratkaesho ** is the shortest
Zoroastrian Creed. This is a sort of a Creed as regards the kind
of religion the reciter observes. |
Uzayeirinâi8 ashaone9 ashahe10 rathwe11,
At the time11 of pure9 (and) holy10
period11 Uzeran8,
ýasnâicha12 vahmâicha13
khshnaothrâicha14 frasastayaęcha15,
for (his) worship12, adoration13,
propitiation14 and praise15.
frâdat-vîrâi16 dâkhyumâicha17 ashaone18 ashahe19 rathwe20
when it is time20 (pure18 and holy19 ) to
rest men from work16 and when the lord or sovereign of the
country17 (goes)
ýasnâicha21 vahmâicha22
khshnaothrâichâ23 frasastayaęcha24,
for (his) worship21, adoration22,
propitiation23 and praise24.
- 2.
- Berezatô25 Ahurahe26 nafedhrô27 apăm28
to the (very source of)27 water,28
- mazdadhâtayĺo30 khshnaothra31
to worship32 the creator Ahura26 Mazda30
vahmâicha33 khshnaothrâicha34
and to praise33, propitiate34 and glorify35
let the Zaotar60 (officiating
priest60) |
recite62 to me61 |
Ahu Vairyő |
the (the excellences of the sacred verses
of) Yathă Ahu Vairyő59 (** translation Ahunavar) |
----------------(officiating priest60) |
mrute,62 |
to me61)* also means
speak loudly, speak
in a loud tone. |
athă ratush |
(these are recited) (**translation :Ahunavar
) |
ashăt chit hacha63 |
(these are recited)(** translation Ahunavar) |
fră ashava64 |
Let (Răspi the assistant priest who is)
righteous64 |
mraotu.66 |
and learned65 recite66
(the excellences of such verses) |
Explanation : The words from Yathă Ahu Vairyő
Zaotă upto vidhvăo mraotu which are recited in every Niyăyesh,
Găh and Yasht after `fravarăne mazdayasnő' are borrowed from
the yasna. Răspi, |
i.e. the assistant priest sitting
opposite the Zaotar, addresses him thus : `Yathă Ahu Văiryő
zaotă fră me mrute' implying that Zaotar may explain the
excellences of `Yathă Ahu Vairyő' and the Religion of
Zarathushtra to him. The Zaotar then replies. The Răspi after
having fully comprehending the excellencies and grasping
the essence of the Religion of Zarathushtra would now put them
into practice and expound them to others. |
- 3.
- Ahurem mazdăm1 ashavanem2 ashahe3 ratűm4
- 3.
- We praise5 Ahura Mazda1, the holy2
Lord4 of righteousness3 ,
ashavanem7 ashahe8 ratűm9
We also praise10 Zarathushtra6, the holy7
Lord9 of righteousness8
zarathushtrahe11 ashaonô12 fravashîm13
We revere14 the fravashi13 of the holy12
Zaratthushtra13 ,
- ameshę speńtę15 ashaonăm16
- We praise17 the holy16,18 bountiful
(or we praise the bountiful immortals who protect the righteous
persons (Mills))
- 4.
- ashâunăm18 vanguhîsh19 sűrĺo20 speńtĺo21 fravashayô22 ýazamaide23
- 4.
- We worship23 the good19 heroic20
and benefic21 fravashis22 of the righteous18.
astvatô24 manakhyâcha25 apanôtemem26 rathwăm27 ýazamaide28
We praise28 the highest26 (lord)
amongst the lords27 of the corporeal (world)24
and of the spiritual (world)25
ýazatanăm30 hanghanushtemem31 ashahe32 rathwăm33
We praise40 the most helpful29 of the yazatas30
(and) the most worthy31 amongst the lords33
of righteousness32 (and) most reaching
effective for help34
- jakhműshtemăm35
ashaonô36 ashahe37 rathwô38 ratufritîm39
- and the well timed prayer39 the most helpful35
for the holy36 lord35 holiness37.
- 5.
We worship5 Uzerin1,
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We worship5 the Zaotar, (i.e. zoti or the priest who
performs of the principal ceremony) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Havanan1, (i.e. the priest who strains
the Haoma and performs the ceremony) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Atarvakshi, (i.e. the priest whose function is to
keep the fire burning) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Frabaretar, (i.e. the priest who brings to the
zaotar all the implements and other things (articles) required for the
ceremony) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Aberetar (i.e. the man in holy orders who provides
for the sacred waters (ap + beretar) used in religious ceremonies and
for purificatory purposes) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Asnater, (i.e. the priest in holy orders who
purifies the defiled person, as well as, the utensils used for
ceremonial purposes) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Rathwishkar (i.e. the priest who performs all the
accessory services, such as adjusting the ceremonial utensils and
putting them in proper order) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
We praise5 Sraoshvareza (i.e. the priest who is a keeper of a
weapon who drives away demons and drujas at the time when the ceremony
is being performed ) (also a priest in whose presence a sinner confesses
his misdeeds and makes amends for them and the officer who keeps good
discipline) |
ashavanem2 ashahe5 ratűm4 ýazamaide5,
the holy2 lord4 of righteousness4
- 6.
- Frâdat-vîrem1 dâkhyumemcha2 ashavanem3 ashahe4 ratűm5 ýazamaide6;
- 6.
- We praise "Fradat-Vira" 1 and "Dakhyumna"
2, the holy3 Lord5 of righteousness4
stręushcha7 mĺnghemcha8 hvarecha9
raochĺo10 ýazamaide11,
we praise11 the stars7 and the Moon8 and the
Sun9 and ]the luminaries10.
anaghra12 raochĺo13 ýazamaide14;
We praise14 the boundless12 lights13;
afrasanghămcha15 k hvâthrem16 ýazamaide17,
and we praise17 the splendour16 of the
doctrines15 (i.e.afrasanghă = Sanskrit "prashansa,
prasashti" = to praise, fame )
ýâ18 narsh19 sâdra20 dregvatô21.
- which (are as it were) the woes of the sinful persons.
- 7.
- haithyâvarezem22 ashavanem23 ashahe24 ratűm25 ýazamaide26;
- 7.
- We priase26 the Lord25 of righteousness24,
(who is) holy23 and practicing holy or righteous deeds22;
aparemcha27 tkaęshem28
we praise29 the later27 lore28
i.e we worship the religion of
Zoroaster revealed by Ahura Mazda, (which is later); as
compared to the religion of the Poryotkeshas (which
flourished earlier). |
haithyâvarezem30 ashavanem31
ashaonô32 stîm33 ýazamaide34;
We praise34 the creation33 of holy32
(Ahura Mazda),
asni paiti khshafne36,
we praise47
day36 and
ýasô-beretâbyô37 zaothrâbyô38,
rathwô40 ýasnâicha41 vahmâicha42,
the Lord40 of the country39 with
libations38, brought for the yasna37;
- dakhyumemcha43 ashavanem44 ashahe45 ratűm46 ýazamaide47;
- the Lord46 of righteousness45 (who is
the chieftain) (pertaining) to the holy44 country43.
- 8.
- berezańtem48 ahurem49
- 8.
- We praise55 the exalted48 Lord49,
khshathrîm50, khshaętem51,
apăm52 napâtem53 aurvat-aspem54 ýazamaide55;
the Navel53 of the waters52,
swift footed54 horse (who is) imperial50; and shinning51
i.e. apăm52 napâtem53
(in Sanskrit ="Apam Napat") is regarded as a
yazat; he keeps connection with watery clouds, lightning and
rain. |
apemcha56 mazdadhâtăm57 ashaonîm58 ýazamaide59.
- we praise59 the pure58 waters56,
created by Ahura Mazda57.
- 9.
Thwăm1 âtarem2 Ahurahe Mazdĺo3 puthrem4 ashavanem5
ashahe6 ratűm7 ýazamaide8;
- 9.
- We revere8 thee,1
O Holy5 fire2 ,
the purifier4 ( of all things)
pertaining to Ahura Mazda,3
the lord7 of righteousness6.
(also puthrem4=puthra = son)
hadha-zaothrem9 hadha-aiwyĺnghanem10, imat11 baresma12 ashaya13 frastaretem14,
- We revere this11 Baresman12 (which) together
with the libations9 (and) together with the Aiwyaongha10
(is) spread14 with holines15 ;
- ashahe16 ratűm17 ýazamaide18;
- we also revere18 the Lord17 of righteousness16.
- Apăm19 Naptârem20 ýazamaide21,
- We revere31 the Navel20 of waters19;
Nairîm22 Sanghem22 ýazamaide23
we revere23 (the Fire) Neryosang23
- takhmem24 dâmôish upamanem25 ýazatem26
- We revere27 the powerful24
Yazata26 (named) Dami Upamana;25.
iristanăm28 urvănô29 ýazamaide30, ýĺo31 ashaonăm32
- We
worship30 the souls29 of the departed28
who31 are the Fravashis33 of the Righteous
- 10.
- Ratűm1 berezańtem2 ýazamaide3,
- 10.
We worship3 the exalted2 Lord1
ýim4 Ahurem5 Mazdăm5,
who4 ( is) Ahura Mazda5,
ýô6 ashahe7 apanôtemô8,
who6 is highest8 in
ýô9 ashahe10 jakhműshtemô11,
(and) who9 is most helpful11 in righteousness10.
vîspa12 sravĺo13 Zarathushtri14
revere15 all12 the sacred verses13 of (he prophet)
vîspacha16 hvarshta17 shyaothna18
and all16 well-performed17
deeds18 (religious ceremonies)
- varshtacha20 vareshyamnacha21.
- which have been performed20 and shall be
performed hereafter21.
Among the living beings13 whoever12
yesne15 paiti16 vanghő17
better17 in acts of worship,15-16
Ahuro18 vaethă19
of which12 Ahura Mazda18
(Himself) is aware,19
on account21 of His holiness20,
Yăonghămachă22 tănschă23
tăoschă24 yazamaide.25
all such22 men23 and
women24 we revere.25
#Yathă Ahu Vairyő 2 |
(**translation :Ahunavar
) |
- 11.
- ýasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3
afrînâmi5 berezatô6 ahurahe7 nafedhrô8 apăm9
apascha10 mazdadhâtayĺo11.
- 11.
I praise5 worship1 and adoration2
(veneration2) and vivacity3 and power4 of
the Navel8 of the waters9 the exalted6
Lord7 of the waters10 the exalted6
Lord7 of the waters10 created by Ahura Mazda11.
ashem vohű
Ashem Vohu....
Ahmăi raeshcha;
see translation of Ahmai
see translation of hazangharem
Jasa me avanghe Mazda;
see translation of jasa
me avanghe mazda
Kerfeh Mozd*.
see translation of kerfeh