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Zarathushtra - the message of Ahura Mazda

Thy29 Avestan words31 which32 by reciting at the time of calamity are33 protecting?30 

Homage32 (be) unto right thought34  and prosperity!35 


Kem-nă-Mazdă  Avesta & English Avesta
Kem-nă-Mazdă * 
Kem1-nă 2 Mazdă,3 What1 man2, O Mazdă,=3




(who other than12 Thee13 )

shall grant6 protection5 unto me 

and unto my followers4?

hyat7  8



when7 , at me8

any wicked man9 glares10  for 

taking revenge11 (or for injuring me11)?

  Mazdă,=3= For Hormazd the expression Ahura Mazda is generally found in the Avesta, but in some places, especially in the Găthăs the words Ahura or Mazda only for Hormazd is noticed
Explanation : O Hormazd! When wicked persons torment me and my followers, who is our protector from such a torment? 
anyem12   Who can it be other  than12  
thwahmăt13 ăthraschă14           mananghaschă,15 thy13  Fire14 and thy Good-Mind15 ?
(i.e. household happiness and the peace of mind)
Explanation : There is none other than Thee, who will grant family happiness and peace of mind15



Through the action #17 of these two16

ashem18 thraoshtă19  


, O9 Hormazd20! righteousness18 increases19.
action #17 ---i.e. by the acts which lead to family happiness and to peace of mind
Explanation : The possession of body and mind in healthy condition increases righteousness. 
tăm21 mői22 dăstvăm23 daenayăi24 frăvaochă25.  Do Thou declare25 that21 knowledge@ 23 of the religion24 to me22  (O Hormazd!). (that I may spread their faith)

@ i.e. on whom Thou art friendly 

or kind.

(1) The first portion consisting of lines 1-5 from the beginning to the word frăvaochă is taken from Găthă Ushtvaiti-Yasna Hă 46.7 known as `Kăm Nemői Zăm'.
* This entire hymn Kem-nă-Mazdă is made up of four parts. They are as under :- 
(2) The second part commencing from `Ke verethrem-jă' to the words `vashi kahmăi-chit' is borrowed from Yasna Hă 44, Known as Tat-thwă-peresă stanza 16,
Ke26 verethrem27 - Jă28 Who26 (shall be) the smiter28 of the foe27
thwă29 pői30 senghă31  yői32   henti33 by the help of Thy29 (Avestan) words31 which32 (by reciting at the time of calamity) are33 protecting?30
= i.e. this thought viz. there is no other protector except Thee.
Explanation : There is no protector other than Thee, O Hormazd! do Thou evoke, give rise to such a thought in my mind so that I may get courage and strength in executing any work

chithră34 mői35  

dăm36 ahumbish37



Do Thou reveal39 clearly34 unto me35 a wise 36 leader (soul-haling)38= for both the worlds37* (O Hormazd).

* i.e. in order to get reward in this life and in the next.

at40 hői41 vohu42 seraoshő43 jantu44 mananghă,45 Let Sraosha43 (Yazata) approach44 with Good42 Mind45 (or through Vohu Manah)
Mazdă46 ahmăi47 yahmăi48 vashi49 kahmăi-chit.50  to any one47 whom48 Thou doest love49.# 
# i.e. one who points out the path of virtue, the expounder of religious tenets
Explanation : O Hormazd! When wicked persons torment me and my followers, who is our protector from such a torment? There is none other than Thee, who will grant family happiness and peace of mind. The possession of body and mind in healthy condition increases righteousness. There is no protector other than Thee, O Hormazd! do Thou evoke, give rise to such a thought in my mind so that I may get courage and strength in executing any work
(3) The third part beginning from `păta-nő tbishyantat' upto the words `Astvaitish ashahe' is taken from Vendidăd Fragard VIII para 21.
Păta1 -nő2 tbishyantat3 pairi4  Protect1 us2 from4 the envious ones.3 (from here)
Mazdăoscha5 Ărmatishcha6 spentascha,7 O Hormazd5 and Spenta Ărmaiti6-7!
nase8 daevo-drukhsh,9 Perish thou,8 O devilish Druj,9
nase10 daevő-chithre,11 perish thou,10 O devil's spawn;11
nase12 daevő-frakarshte,13 perish thou,12 O (evil) sown by the daevas,13
nase14 daevő-fradăite,15 perish thou,14 O follower of devil's law;15
apa16 drukhsh17 nase,18 perish16 O Druj,17
apa19 drukhsh20 dvăra,21 apa22 drukhsh23 vinase,24 apăkhedhre25 apa-nasyehe,26    disappear19 utterly,21 vanish26 and entirely perish,24 in the North,25 O Druj.28
27 merenchainish28 gaethăo29 astvaitish30 ashahe.31 (so that) corporeal30 settlements29 of righteousness31 (may) not27 (be) fit to be destroyed.28
(4) The fourth part viz. `nemaschă yă Armaitish izhăchă' is taken from the Găthă Spentă Mainyu Hă 49.10. 

Nemaschă3233 Ărmaitish34


Ashem Vohu 1.

Homage32 (be) unto right thought34  

and prosperity!35 


"recite one ashem vohu"

* This entire hymn Kem-nă-Mazdă is made up of four parts. They are as under :- 

(1) The first portion consisting of lines 1-5 from the beginning to the word frăvaochă is taken from Găthă Ushtvaiti-Yasna Hă 46.7 known as `Kăm Nemői Zăm'.

(2) The second part commencing from `Ke verethrem-jă' to the words `vashi kahmăi-chit' is borrowed from Yasna Hă 44, Known as Tat-thwă-peresă stanza 16,

(3) The third part beginning from `păta-nő tbishyantat' upto the words `Astvaitish ashahe' is taken from Vendidăd Fragard VIII para 21.

(4) The fourth part viz. `nemaschă yă Armaitish izhăchă' is taken from the Găthă Spentă Mainyu Hă 49.10. 


Kem-nă-Mazdă * 

Kem1-nă 2 Mazdă,3 mavaite4 păyum5 dadăt,6 hyat7 8 dregvăo9 didareshată10 aenanghe11 anyem12 thwahmăt13 ăthraschă14 mananghaschă,15 yayăo16 shyaothnăish17 ashem18 thraoshtă19 Ahură,20 tăm21 mői22 dăstvăm23 daenayăi24 frăvaochă25. 

Ke26 verethrem27 - Jă28 thwă29 pői30 senghă31 yői32 henti33 chithră34 mői35 dăm36 ahumbish37 ratum38 chizhdi,39 at40 hői41 vohu42 seraoshő43 jantu44 mananghă,45 Mazdă46 ahmăi47 yahmăi48 vashi49 kahmăi-chit.50 

Păta1 -nő2 tbishyantat3 pairi4 Mazdăoscha5 Ărmatishcha6 spentascha,7 nase8 daevő-drukhsh,9 nase10 daevő-chithre,11 nase12 daevő-frakarshte,13 nase14 daevő-fradăite,15 apa16 drukhsh17 nase,18 apa19 drukhsh20 dvăra,21 apa22 drukhsh23 vinase,24 apăkhedhre25 apa-nasyehe,2627 merenchainish28 gaethăo29 astvaitish30 ashahe.31 

Nemaschă3233 Ărmaitish34 izhă-chă.35 Ashem Vohu 1.