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Zarathustra - the message of Ahura Mazda

(May) the Satan3 (be) defeated1 and destroyed2 (may) the works and workers6 of Ahriman4 the accursed (be) destroyed5!




Translation !

Shekasteh1 Shekasteh2 Sheytăn,3 (May) the Satan3 (be) defeated1 and destroyed2
Ahriman4 gajasteh5 kăr o kerdăr,6 (may) the works and workers6 of Ahriman4 the accursed (be) destroyed5!
na rasad7 gajasteh8 kăr o kerdăr9  may not7 works and workers9 of (that) accursed (Ahriman)8 reach7 (me)!
Si-o-se10 Ameshăspand11 dădăr Hormazd12 pirozgar13 păk;14  Thirty-three10 Holy Immortals (Ameshăspands)11 and the Creator Hormazd12 are victorious18 and holy.14 
Note : After having recited this Nirang three times one should recite Srosh Băz, and whilst reciting five Ahunavar one should apply nirang or bull's urine at every Ahunavar to the right and left hand, to the face, to the right and left leg respectively. One should perform then Pădyăp-Kusti after completing the Srosh Băz.


Nirang -i-Gomez mălidan 

Shekasteh1 Shekasteh2 Sheytăn,3

Ahriman4 gajasteh5 kăr o kerdăr,6

na rasad7 gajasteh8 kăr o kerdăr9;

Si-o-se10 Ameshăspand11 dădăr Hormazd12 pirozgar13 păk;14

ashaone Ashem Vohu 1. (To be recited thrice). 

Explanation : This Nirang seems to have been composed at a later period, as its language is Persian. Moreover it is surprising that the number of Ameshăspands mentioned in this Nirang is thirty-three. Perhaps the motive of the composer of this Nirang is to regard thirty-three Ameshăspands as thirty-three angels. According to the ancient books of our religion Ameshăspands are six in number and Ahura Mazdă is counted as the seventh. It is clearly stated in the Pahlavi Năm Sităyishn incorporated in the Dinkard that the Creator Hormazd created six Ameshăspands. In the portion of "Nipăyoish Mashim" occurring in Hormazd Yasht the Creator Hormazd speaks to the prophet Zarathushtra thus: `I created six Ameshăspands from Bahman to Amurdăd. In the introductory portions of the Hormazd Yasht and Adibehesht Yasht the Creator* Hormazd Himself referring to Ameshăspands says thus : "We Ameshăspands". "In the Haftan Yasht (small) para 12 there occurs a refrence to "Seven Ameshăspands".