Khshnaothra1 Ahurahe Mazdăo.2
(May there be) gratification1 of
(the creator) Hormazd!2 |
Ashem Vohu 1. |
Ba năme3 yazade4 |
(I begin this prayer) in the name3
of God4 |
bakhshăyendehe5 |
(Who is) bestower of good things,5 |
bakhshăyesh- gare6 |
forgiver of sins6 |
meherbăn.7 |
and merciful7 |
Năm setăeshne8 |
(I sing) and praise His name8, |
Ahura Mazda,9 |
Hormazd9 (Ahura Mazda), |
hamăbud10 hamăhast11
o hamăbed.12 |
(who) always was10, is11
(and) will be.12
Năme13 yazade14 |
(Whose) name13 (is) God,14 |
Spenă-Minő15 |
the Beneficent Spirit;15 |
minő.18 |
(and) who (is) #
the Spirit18 #
amongst16 the
Spiritual ones17. |
# i.e. most invisible - |
Azash19 khudash20 |
His19 Own20 |
yak năm21 Ahuramazdach.22 |
one (special) name21 (is) Hormazd22. |
Khodăe23 mehest,24 |
That Lord23 (is) the greatest24,
, |
o tavănă25 o dănă26
o dădăr,27 |
powerful25, wise26,
creator27 |
o parvartăr28 o pănă29
o khvăvar,30 |
nourisher28, protector29,
care-taker30, |
o kerfehgar31 o avakshidăr32 |
virtuous31, forgiver of sins32,
avizeh33 veh dădastăni34
dispenser33 of justice34
hamă-zőr.35 |
and all
powerful35. |
* The entire prayer of this Năm Setăeshne is
in Păzand language. This Doă in the original Pahlavi language is found
in the Pahlavi Text known as Dinkard. |
Sepăs1 oe buzorg2
hastiăn,3 |
(I offer) thanks1 to that Exalted
(Lord)2 (amongst the existing ones3) |
ke4 ăfrid5 |
who4 is the Creator5 (of
the entire creation) (and) |
#avanid,6# |
is the designer of its end;6 |
a = a & van = vanquish means `destroyer', |
# i.e. most invisible - that
can never be seen by anyone.There is no word `avanďd' in the
Pahlavi Năm Setăeshne found in Dinkard. Instead of `avanid', `va
dăd' (meaning, and gave) is found in the Năm Setaeshne, in the
prayer book of the Kadimi Sect. Having derived the word `avanid'
from a = a, i.e. to, towards and root van = to vanquish and
applied to Hormazd, it can mean `destroyer', `bringer of the
end'. |
o pa khesh7 |
(and) who4 |
angămbati8 |
with his own selfhood,8 |
zor9 |
strength9 |
dănăi,10 |
and wisdom10 |
avartar11 |
created5 most sublime11 |
shash12 ameshăspandăn,13 |
six12 Amshăspands,13 |
avad14 vesh15
yazdăn,16 |
many15 exalted14
yazatas,16 |
@ roshan17
behesht18 garothmăn,19 |
the bright17 Heaven,18
Garothman,19 |
@ After this every word has
`o' and its meaning is `and, as well as'. |
o gerd ăsmăn,20 |
the revolution of the sky,20 |
o khur21 tăvă22 |
the shining22 Sun,21 |
o măh23 bămi,24
the brilliant24 Moon,23
o satare25 vash-tokhm,26
Stars25 of many kinds,26 |
o băd,27 o andarvăe,28 |
the winds,27 atmosphere,28 |
o ăv,29 |
water,29 |
o ătash,30 |
fire,30 |
o zamin 31 |
the earth,31 |
o orvar,32 |
trees,32 |
o gospand33 |
beneficent cattle,33 |
o ayokhshast,34 $ |
the metals34 |
o mardum.35 |
and mankind.35 |
# i.e. most invisible - that can
never be seen by anyone.There is no word `avanďd' in the Pahlavi Năm
Setăeshne found in Dinkard. Instead of `avanid', `va dăd' (meaning,
and gave) is found in the Năm Setaeshne, in the prayer book of the
Kadimi Sect. Having derived the word `avanid' from a = a, i.e. to,
towards and root van = to vanquish and applied to Hormazd, it can mean
`destroyer', `bringer of the end'. |
$ Originally this word is in the
imperfect tense. |
Yazishne1 |
I worship1 |
o niăeshne2 |
and pay homage2 |
az oe Khodăe Kerfehgar3 |
to that virtuous Lord3 |
ke4 |
who4 |
meh5 |
the greatest5 |
kard6 |
made6, |
az7 har8 |
---among7 all8 |
getihă9 desheshnăn10 |
worldly9 creatures10---, |
mardum11 |
mankind11 |
explanation: see above
i.e.. who4 made6 mankind11
the greatest5 among7 all8 worldly9
pa gavăesh,12 |
through the faculty of thinking12 |
mădăn13 |
and (by bestowing) intellect13 |
dăd14 o
angăm16 răenidăresh17 dămăn,18 |
not translated
pa rakhma19
parhez21 devăn.22 |
for combating19 the*
demons22 (or wicked lust), for opposing20 them
(and even) abstaining away (from them). |
* The Word `Dev' has been explained earlier.
Namăz1 oe vispa-ăgăh2
ash3 khvăvar,4 |
(With a bow I pay) homage1 unto
that3 Omniscient2 and Compassionate Lord,4 |
kesh5 farestid6 pa7
Zartosht8 Spetamăn9 asho10 farohar,11 |
who5 through7 Spitaman9
Zartosht8 of holy10 Fravashi,11 sent6 |
ashtash12 oe dămăn13
din-dăneshne14 varoeshne,15 |
the trustworthy15 knowledge of the
Religion14 for the people of the world13 with a
view to attracting friendship12 (towards Himself), |
gosho-sruteh-kheradi.17 |
(which can be acquired) by
means of innate wisdom, 16and
wisdom acquired through the
ears (ie learnt)17 |
Dănăesh18 o răenidăresh,19
vispa20 |
For the knowledge18 and guidance19
of all20 persons |
hastăn21o budăn22 o
bedăn,23 |
who are,21 were,22
and will be,23 |
farhangăn farhang24 |
(He) sent6 the Science of Sciences24 |
mănthra25 Spenta,26 |
(which is the beneficient26 Mănthra;25 |
ku27bed28 |
which27 (mănthra) is28 |
ravăn29 |
the ennobler of the soul29 |
hu - pul30 |
helping to cross the *Chinvat Bridge with
ease,30 |
bokhtăresh,31 az dozakhv32, |
the deliverer31 from hell32 |
vadărdăr33 oe34 ăne35 |
(and) the indicator of the way33 |
pehelum36 akhvăn37 |
towards the Best36 abode37
(i.e. Heaven) |
ashoăn,38 |
of the righteous,38 |
roshan39 |
the bright,39 |
hand40 |
hu-boe41 |
sweet-smelling41 |
hamă-nekash.42 |
and all-good.42 |
* For the explanation, see note
on the words "Sedosh getofarid" given under the meanings in
Patet Pashemăni, Karda 12. |
Pa1 farmăne2 to2
pa4 farmăne to5 khvăvar6
pa7 farmăne to8 khvăvar,9 |
O! Merciful and Compassionate Lord!6
O! Lord, Forgiver of sins!9
padiram10 |
I accept,10 |
o minam11 |
think11 (i.e. remember every
moment), |
o goyam12 |
speak12 (i.e. teach others by
proclaiming) |
o varzam13 |
and practice13 |
din14 avizeh,15 |
the pure15 religion14
(of Zartosht sent by you) |
in accordance with1 Your Command,2
Order5 and bidding.8 |
ăstuăn hom16 |
I am steadfast16 |
pa har kerfeh,17 |
upon performing every meritorious deed17 |
awăkhsh18 |
and I return having repented18 |
az19 vispa20 bazeh.21 |
from19 all20 sinful
acts.21 |
Avizeh dăr hom22 |
I keep pure22 |
khudash23 ăsnideh-kunashne,24 |
my personal conduct,24 |
parhezashne,25 o păk26
having abstained25 (from wicked
lusts) |
shash27 zorăne28 |
the six27 powers28 |
jăn,29 |
of (my) soul29 |
manashne30 |
(which are) the power of thought,30 |
gavashne31 |
the power of speech,31 |
kunashne32 |
the power of action,32 |
o vir33 |
the power of logic33
(discriminating good and
evil),33 |
o hosh34
o kherad.35 |
and wisdom.35 |
Pa kăme to1 |
According to Thy will1 |
kerfehgar2 |
O Virtuous One!2 |
tavănam kard3 |
I can perform3 |
ăne to parastashne,4 |
Thy worship4 |
pa5 beh-manashne,6
with good thoughts,6 |
beh-gavashne,7 |
good words7 |
beh-varzashne,8 |
and good deeds.8 |
vashăem |
(And for the sake of my own soul) I keep open9
roshan,11 |
the brilliant11
path10 (i.e. the
path of gaining Heaven) |
ke12 |
so that12 |
om na-rasăd13 |
(after my death) |
gerăn14 |
the grievous14 |
pazd15 dozakh,16
punishment15 of hell16
may not befall upon my (soul).13 |
vadiram17 |
I shall pass over17 |
pa cheshan-darg,18 |
the Chinvat Bridge18 |
rasam19 ăne
behesht20 |
and attain19 the Paradise20
pur-boe21 |
full of fragrance,21 |
harvesp-pesideh22 |
all-adorned22 |
hama-khvăresh.23 |
and all-comfortable.23 |
Setăeshne1 |
I sing the hymn of) praise1 |
oe avakhshidăr2 khodăe,3 |
of that Lord,3 the Forgiver of
Sins,2 |
ku4 |
who4 |
kămeh kerfeh5 |
--- (see three lines below)---- |
pădăeshne kunand6 |
bestows6 rewards for meritorious
deeds,6 |
farmăn-răenidărăn, 7 |
on those who obey (His) Commands7 |
with the will to perform meritorious deeds;5
avdum8 |
(and) at last8 (i.e. after the
period of Resurrection) |
buzed9 |
will liberate9 |
darvandănach10 |
the sinners10 |
az dozakh,11 |
from hell11 |
o12 |
and 12 |
avizehă13 |
will embellish13 |
vinăred14 |
the entire world14 |
vispa.15 |
with purity.15 |
The entire text of the section below is not found in the Pahalavi Nam
It appears to have been added subsequently |
Setăeshne1 |
I offer praise1 |
dădăr Ahurmazde2 |
unto the Creator Hormuzd2 |
harvesp-ăgăh3 |
the omniscient3 |
tavănă4 |
(and) omnipotent4 |
o tavăngar5 |
powerful5 |
haft |
unto the seven* |
Ameshăspand6 |
ameshaspands6 |
Bahrăm yazad7 |
unto Behram yazad7 |
pirozgar8 |
the victorious8 |
dushman-zadăr9 |
and the vanquisher of foes9 |
hutăshtahe11 |
and unto the well fashioned11
(yazad) ama10 |
be-rasăd12 |
may all of them come12 to my help. |
Ashem Vohu ( to recite three times) |
* There are six ameshaspands
and the word "haft"-seven causes confusion.
The entire text of the
section below is not found in the Pahalavi Nam Setăaeshne:
It appears to have been added subsequently |