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Zarathustra - the message of Ahura Mazda

 Knowledge of the Religion14  (can be acquired) by means of innate wisdom16, and wisdom acquired through the ears (i.e. learnt)17





Khshnaothra1 Ahurahe Mazdăo.2 (May there be) gratification1 of (the creator) Hormazd!2
Ashem Vohu 1. 
Ba năme3 yazade4 (I begin this prayer) in the name3 of God4
bakhshăyendehe5  (Who is) bestower of good things,5
bakhshăyesh- gare6 forgiver of sins6
meherbăn.7 and merciful7
Năm setăeshne8 (I sing) and praise His name8,
Ahura Mazda,9 Hormazd9  (Ahura Mazda),
hamăbud10 hamăhast11 o hamăbed.12

 (who) always was10, is11  

(and) will be.12

Năme13 yazade14 (Whose) name13 (is) God,14
Spenă-Minő15 the Beneficent Spirit;15




(and) who (is) # the Spirit18 #

amongst16 the Spiritual ones17

# i.e. most invisible -
Azash19 khudash20 His19 Own20
yak năm21 Ahuramazdach.22 one (special) name21 (is) Hormazd22.
Khodăe23 mehest,24 That Lord23 (is) the greatest24, ,
o tavănă25 o dănă26 o dădăr,27 powerful25, wise26, creator27
o parvartăr28 o pănă29 o khvăvar,30    nourisher28, protector29, care-taker30,
o kerfehgar31 o avakshidăr32 virtuous31, forgiver of sins32,
avizeh33 veh dădastăni34   dispenser33 of justice34  
hamă-zőr.35 and all powerful35
* The entire prayer of this Năm Setăeshne is in Păzand language. This Doă in the original Pahlavi language is found in the Pahlavi Text known as Dinkard. 
Sepăs1 oe buzorg2 hastiăn,3 (I offer) thanks1 to that Exalted (Lord)2 (amongst the existing ones3)
ke4 ăfrid5 who4 is the Creator5 (of the entire creation) (and)
#avanid,6# is the designer of its end;6
a = a & van = vanquish means `destroyer',
# i.e. most invisible - that can never be seen by anyone.There is no word `avanďd' in the Pahlavi Năm Setăeshne found in Dinkard. Instead of `avanid', `va dăd' (meaning, and gave) is found in the Năm Setaeshne, in the prayer book of the Kadimi Sect. Having derived the word `avanid' from a = a, i.e. to, towards and root van = to vanquish and applied to Hormazd, it can mean `destroyer', `bringer of the end'. 
o pa khesh7  (and) who4 
angămbati8 with his own selfhood,8
zor9 strength9
dănăi,10 and wisdom10
avartar11 created5 most sublime11
shash12 ameshăspandăn,13 six12 Amshăspands,13
avad14 vesh15 yazdăn,16 many15 exalted14 yazatas,16
@ roshan17 behesht18 garothmăn,19 the bright17 Heaven,18 Garothman,19
@ After this every word has `o' and its meaning is `and, as well as'.
o gerd ăsmăn,20 the revolution of the sky,20
o khur21 tăvă22 the shining22 Sun,21
o măh23 bămi,24  the brilliant24 Moon,23
o satare25 vash-tokhm,26 Stars25 of many kinds,26
o băd,27 o andarvăe,28 the winds,27 atmosphere,28
o ăv,29 water,29
o ătash,30 fire,30
o zamin 31 the earth,31
o orvar,32 trees,32
o gospand33 beneficent cattle,33
o ayokhshast,34 $   the metals34
o mardum.35 and mankind.35 
# i.e. most invisible - that can never be seen by anyone.There is no word `avanďd' in the Pahlavi Năm Setăeshne found in Dinkard. Instead of `avanid', `va dăd' (meaning, and gave) is found in the Năm Setaeshne, in the prayer book of the Kadimi Sect. Having derived the word `avanid' from a = a, i.e. to, towards and root van = to vanquish and applied to Hormazd, it can mean `destroyer', `bringer of the end'. 
$ Originally this word is in the imperfect tense.
Yazishne1 I worship1
o niăeshne2 and pay homage2
 az oe Khodăe Kerfehgar3 to that virtuous Lord3
ke4 who4
meh5 the greatest5
kard6 made6,
az7 har8 ---among7 all8
getihă9 desheshnăn10 worldly9 creatures10---,
mardum11 mankind11

explanation: see above :

i.e.. who4 made6 mankind11 the greatest5 among7 all8 worldly9 creatures10

pa gavăesh,12 through the faculty of thinking12
mădăn13 and (by bestowing) intellect13
dăd14 o sheheriăreshe15 angăm16 răenidăresh17 dămăn,18

not translated

pa rakhma19


parhez21 devăn.22 

for combating19 the* demons22 (or wicked lust), for opposing20 them (and even) abstaining away (from them). 
* The Word `Dev' has been explained earlier.       
Namăz1 oe vispa-ăgăh2 ash3 khvăvar,4 (With a bow I pay) homage1 unto that3 Omniscient2 and Compassionate Lord,4
kesh5 farestid6 pa7 Zartosht8 Spetamăn9 asho10 farohar,11 who5 through7 Spitaman9 Zartosht8 of holy10 Fravashi,11 sent6
ashtash12 oe dămăn13 din-dăneshne14 varoeshne,15 the trustworthy15 knowledge of the Religion14 for the people of the world13 with a view to attracting friendship12 (towards Himself),
ăsne-kheradi16 gosho-sruteh-kheradi.17

(which can be acquired) by means of innate wisdom, 16and

wisdom acquired through the ears (ie learnt)17

Dănăesh18 o răenidăresh,19 vispa20 For the knowledge18 and guidance19 of all20 persons 
hastăn21o budăn22 o bedăn,23 who are,21 were,22 and will be,23
 farhangăn farhang24 (He) sent6 the Science of Sciences24
mănthra25 Spenta,26 (which is the beneficient26 Mănthra;25
ku27bed28 which27 (mănthra) is28
ravăn29 the ennobler of the soul29
hu - pul30 helping to cross the *Chinvat Bridge with ease,30
bokhtăresh,31 az dozakhv32, the deliverer31 from hell32
vadărdăr33 oe34 ăne35 (and) the indicator of the way33
pehelum36 akhvăn37 towards the Best36 abode37 (i.e. Heaven)
ashoăn,38 of the righteous,38
roshan39 the bright,39
hu-boe41 sweet-smelling41
hamă-nekash.42  and all-good.42 
 * For the explanation, see note on the words "Sedosh getofarid" given under the meanings in Patet Pashemăni, Karda 12.
Pa1 farmăne2 to2 khvăvar,3

pa4 farmăne to5 khvăvar6

pa7 farmăne to8 khvăvar,9
O! Merciful and Compassionate Lord!6

O! Lord, Forgiver of sins!9

padiram10 I accept,10
o minam11 think11 (i.e. remember every moment),
o goyam12 speak12 (i.e. teach others by proclaiming)
o varzam13 and practice13
din14 avizeh,15  the pure15 religion14 (of Zartosht sent by you)
in accordance with1 Your Command,2 Order5 and bidding.8
ăstuăn hom16 I am steadfast16
pa har kerfeh,17 upon performing every meritorious deed17
awăkhsh18 and I return having repented18
az19 vispa20 bazeh.21 from19 all20 sinful acts.21
Avizeh dăr hom22 I keep pure22
khudash23 ăsnideh-kunashne,24 my personal conduct,24
parhezashne,25 o păk26 having abstained25 (from wicked lusts)
shash27 zorăne28 the six27 powers28
jăn,29 of (my) soul29
manashne30 (which are) the power of thought,30
gavashne31  the power of speech,31
kunashne32 the power of action,32
o vir33

the power of logic33

(discriminating good and evil),33

o hosh34               intelligence34           
o kherad.35 and wisdom.35 
Pa kăme to1 According to Thy will1
kerfehgar2 O Virtuous One!2
tavănam kard3 I can perform3
ăne to parastashne,4 Thy worship4
pa5 beh-manashne,6 with good thoughts,6
beh-gavashne,7 good words7
beh-varzashne,8 and good deeds.8
vashăem (And for the sake of my own soul) I keep open9



the brilliant11 (righteous)

path10 (i.e. the path of gaining Heaven)

ke12 so that12
om na-rasăd13 (after my death)
gerăn14 the grievous14
pazd15 dozakh,16  punishment15 of hell16
may not befall upon my (soul).13
vadiram17 I shall pass over17
pa cheshan-darg,18 the Chinvat Bridge18
rasam19 ăne behesht20 and attain19 the Paradise20
pur-boe21  full of fragrance,21
harvesp-pesideh22 all-adorned22
hama-khvăresh.23  and all-comfortable.23 
Setăeshne1  I sing the hymn of) praise1
oe avakhshidăr2 khodăe,3 of that Lord,3 the Forgiver of Sins,2
ku4 who4
kămeh kerfeh5  --- (see three lines below)----
pădăeshne kunand6 bestows6 rewards for meritorious deeds,6
farmăn-răenidărăn, 7 on those who obey (His) Commands7
with the will to perform meritorious deeds;5
avdum8  (and) at last8 (i.e. after the period of Resurrection) 
buzed9 will liberate9
darvandănach10 the sinners10
az dozakh,11 from hell11
o12 and 12
avizehă13 will embellish13
vinăred14 the entire world14
vispa.15 with purity.15

       The entire text of the section below is not found in the Pahalavi Nam Setăaeshne:  

       It appears to have been added subsequently  

Setăeshne1 I offer praise1
dădăr  Ahurmazde2 unto the Creator Hormuzd2
harvesp-ăgăh3 the omniscient3
tavănă4 (and) omnipotent4
o tavăngar5 powerful5
haft  unto the seven*
Ameshăspand6 ameshaspands6
Bahrăm yazad7 unto Behram yazad7
pirozgar8 the victorious8
dushman-zadăr9 and the vanquisher of foes9



and unto the well fashioned11 (shaped)

(yazad) ama10

be-rasăd12 may all of them come12 to my help.
Ashem Vohu ( to recite three times)
*  There are six ameshaspands and the word "haft"-seven causes confusion.

The entire text of the section below is not found in the Pahalavi Nam Setăaeshne: 

       It appears to have been added subsequently